Steven Runciman - Haçlı Seferleri Tarihi (3 Cilt Takım) - Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları
John Bunyan - Çarmıh Yolcusu - İnkılâp Kitabevi
Jale Parla - Efendilik, Şarkiyatçılık, Kölelik - İletişim Yayınevi
Norberto Bobbio - Sağ ve Sol Bir Politik Ayrımın Anlamı - Dost Kitabevi Yayınları
Emile Durkheim - Dinsel Yaşamın İlk Biçimleri - Cem Yayınevi
Ashis Nandy, Merrly Wyn Davies, Ziyaüddin Serdar - Batı Irkçılığının Kaynakları: Bir Manifesto - Yöneliş Yayınları
Ashis Nandy, Merryl Wyn Davies, Zia Sardar - Barbar Denen Ötekiler - İz Yayıncılık
Jean-Baptiste Tavernier - Tavernier Seyahatnamesi - Kitap Yayınevi
Stefanos Yerasimos - Kostantiniye ve Ayasofya Efsaneleri - İletişim Yayınevi
11 Mart 2011 Cuma
Ten Books I am eager to buy at the earliest convenient.
1.Apocryphal gospels.
2.Svenolof Karlsson, ed. - The Source of Liberty: The Nordic Contribution to Europe - The Nordic Council.
3.Frantz Fanon – A Dying Colonialism - Grove Press
4.John Barrell - The Infection of Thomas De Quincey: A Psychopathology of Imperialism - Yale University Press - Howard University Press
5.Jonah Raskin - The mythology of imperialism: Rudyard Kipling, Joseph Conrad, E. M. Forster, D. H. Lawrence, and Joyce Cary - Random House.
6.Walter Rodney - How Europe Underdeveloped Africa - Howard University Press
7.James Jakób Liszka - The Semiotic of Myth - Indiana University Press.
8.Edward Oswald Gabriel Turville-Petre - The Heroic Age of Scandinavia - Greenwood Press
9.Roland Boer - Political Myth: On the Use and Abuse of Biblical Themes - Duke University Press Books
10.Ronald Hyam - Britain's Imperial Century 1815-1914: A Study of Empire and Expansion - Palgrave Macmillan
2.Svenolof Karlsson, ed. - The Source of Liberty: The Nordic Contribution to Europe - The Nordic Council.
3.Frantz Fanon – A Dying Colonialism - Grove Press
4.John Barrell - The Infection of Thomas De Quincey: A Psychopathology of Imperialism - Yale University Press - Howard University Press
5.Jonah Raskin - The mythology of imperialism: Rudyard Kipling, Joseph Conrad, E. M. Forster, D. H. Lawrence, and Joyce Cary - Random House.
6.Walter Rodney - How Europe Underdeveloped Africa - Howard University Press
7.James Jakób Liszka - The Semiotic of Myth - Indiana University Press.
8.Edward Oswald Gabriel Turville-Petre - The Heroic Age of Scandinavia - Greenwood Press
9.Roland Boer - Political Myth: On the Use and Abuse of Biblical Themes - Duke University Press Books
10.Ronald Hyam - Britain's Imperial Century 1815-1914: A Study of Empire and Expansion - Palgrave Macmillan